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Photography Tutorial

Best Event Photography Tips: 5 Essential Tips For Perfect Event Photography

Photo Retouching Service

If you’re here, then it can only mean that you’re interested in event photography and as the name implies, event photography is basically when you take photographs at an event. But we all know that already. We’re here to unlock the secrets for the best event photography tips out there. The following 5 essential tips for perfect event photography may be the most important things for a beginner photographer, but they are also some of the most important factors that even the most professional photographers might overlook.

Let’s get right to it!

To jot down the tips in a bunch before we go into details:

Here Are the Best Event Photography Tips

Let’s take a deeper look into each of the points for a perfect event photography session:

Know your clients

5 best event photography tips

This is the most important tip.

Your clients are hiring you to take photos that they can cherish forever so it’s in everyone’s best interest that you know exactly what type of aesthetic they prefer. It is also extremely important that your clients are familiar with your particular style of photography. It’s best to arrange a meeting with your clients (preferably in person) to discuss everything that is to be expected from the event.

Everything includes what kind of event it is (be it a wedding photography, concert, or even a sporting event), how many people are going to attend the event, whether there are specific people the event is going to be focusing on, duration of the event. Everything! You need to know all the little details of the event not only so that you can maximize the chances of taking great photos but also so that you are aware of all factors that could go wrong.

Check your equipment

Check Your Event Photography Equipment

This shouldn’t be a tip, but you’d be surprised at how many photographers, professionals and amateurs alike end up having a mediocre event photo taking session because they didn’t have a final check on their equipment before the event. An entire event candid moments shot list could go to waste over something as minor as forgetting to bring your memory card or something as major as not bringing waterproof casing for your cameras during bad weather. Organization is key.

Always check your equipment before any event. Always!! And it helps to keep a checklist.

Event Photography Tips and Tricks

Make sure you have the right camera setting, lens, adequate batteries, and memory cards, stands, lighting, and whatever else you might need. Trust me on this, I’m speaking from personal experience. I’ve had a professional photographer friend who showed up to an event without spare camera batteries. Needless to say, his camera’s batteries died halfway through the event and he had to cover the rest of the event with his phone. But on the bright side, his clients seemed to like the event photos so it wasn’t a complete disaster.

He got lucky, though. You may not have luck on your side too often. So don’t take chances. and never forget how important last-minute equipment checks are.

Know the venue and the people

Professional Image Retouching

Always show up to an event early. It’s an unwritten rule. You need to know every inch of the venue to get the perfect shots. Is it an outdoor event or an indoor event? How big is the venue? How many people are going to be there? All the important questions have their answers right there at the venue but you need to get there early to make sure you have enough time to utilize that knowledge. You’ll need to see the venue as early as possible so that you know what you’re dealing with and what equipment to bring. You should also talk to the guests at the event and also the other staff and event organizer management. You’ll be doing yourself a favor if you get yourself acquainted with everyone. It’s easier to take pictures of people you know rather than strangers. Just make sure that you’re not disturbing anyone while taking photos and that’ll be a big bonus.

Take care of the business end

Take Care of Your Event Photography Business End

Always value the worth of your services.

This tip is for the photographers on the amateur end of the spectrum. Always secure the money deals before the event. It should go without saying that some people may try to take advantage of your skills if a deal is not secured so it’s in your best interest to take care of money issues with the client upfront before the corporate event photography session gets past the planning phase.

And don’t take exposure and a free meal as payment for your services unless you absolutely need the free meal!

Don’t try to force a photo

Don’t try to force a photo

This one is probably the most underrated tip of them all.

Don’t try to force a photo.

You may think that you need to absolutely get that one specific candid shot perfectly and you’re trying way beyond your capabilities to capture that photo but the truth is nobody might even notice unless it was a shot that you were specifically told to capture. The thing is, you shouldn’t stress yourself too much over a single shot. The best event photographs come out when the event photographers are relaxed and in their element, so just take a step back and try to feel like you’re a part of the event and capture the most natural of photos to the best of your capabilities. This tip is where all the other tips come together. If you’ve followed everything else, then you’ll truly have peace of mind and can focus on what really matters and that is taking nice photos.


An event photograph is a whole different game compared to regular photography. It combines the social challenges of a mass gathering with the difficulties any professional event photographer would face in capturing regular photographs in a studio. Still, if you’ve taken care of all the things that could go wrong prior to the event, then you can go about having a good time while you’re taking great shots.

Do you think these tips are helpful? We’d love to know your opinions on it!!

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